
Our Values

At Anchored Ministries, we believe that true impact begins with building meaningful relationships, empowering individuals, and connecting them to vital resources. Our mission is to create a supportive community where every interaction opens doors to deeper connections, growth, and lasting change. Whether through personal encouragement or linking those in need with the right resources, we are dedicated to fostering a network of care, compassion, and hope rooted in the love and grace of Christ. Explore how we live out our mission through these core principles.

B- Building Relationships

Everything in life boils down to relationships. We are not created to do life alone. Each event, each partnership, each interaction that our team encounters strives to further and build the relationship with that person. As we build that relationship, we witness the door opening to learn about further needs- physical, emotional, spiritual- as well as do life with one another. As that relationship grows and blossoms, we are able to best serve one another, pray together, and ultimately share the love, grace, mercy and hope that Christ has given us.

E – Encourage and Empower

Empowerment and encouragement go hand in hand. Oftentimes, a person simply needs someone to come alongside them and believe they can achieve greatness, make difficult decisions, or see the potential they possess. That is why at Anchored Ministries, we firmly believe we exist to encourage and empower all whom we serve. As we build relationships with each person we come in contact with, we are able to meet them right where they are, encourage positive life choices, and connect them with others. Each program is designed to build up, empower, and encourage participants to be the best version of themselves, while making the necessary changes to live an independent lifestyle.

C- Connect to Resources

We know that we are better when we work together. While Anchored Ministries does cover a wide range of needs through various programs in clothing, food and nutrition, and community, there are already established organizations specializing in other areas. It is vital that we work together to connect those we serve to other organizations and resources that are readily available to them. Forming partnerships with other local organizations such as food pantries, churches, community services, allows our participants to best receive the help they need- to get through a rough patch, learn valuable tools and skills, to make positive life changes. We are better, together!